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The Power of

This toolkit offers valuable resources for organising volunteer programmes that facilitate meaningful social interactions, aiding in the reduction of prejudice and fostering mutual understanding among diverse groups.

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Connecting Through Volunteering

“Shaping the Future with Volunteering is a group of 30 larger volunteer-involving organisations. We have been involved in helping develop this toolkit for the sector. It is designed to take you through the different steps needed to build stronger, more connected communities whatever the scope and style of your volunteering. The toolkit is based on evidence of how a focus on social cohesion can be foundational in improving the benefits to your volunteers and the communities in which they are based. Volunteering needs to find ways to be more inclusive of everyone in our society. This toolkit will help you develop your own action plan and be part of  the solution in improving diversity and reach across communities.”

Jeremy Hughes, CBE, Convenor of Shaping the Future through Volunteering

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